will you share your life with me for the next ten minutes?
for the next ten minutes, we can handle that
we could watch the waves, we could watch the sky
or just sit and wait as the time ticks by
and if we make it till then
can i ask you again for another ten?
it's no secret that i've been pretty obsessed with musicals lately. i began the year flipping out and squeeing over RENT10, and midway through January, Michi infected me with craziness over Wicked, and somewhere along the way i fell in love with The Last 5 Years as well. i have now accumulated about 15 Original Broadway Cast Recordings of musicals both old and new, and have been listening to not much else. :P wala na 'kong alam sa mainstream stuff. i sit through Chico and Delamar every Monday morning, and chances are two hours will pass without them playing anything i've heard before. show me any list of Top 10 most requested songs in any radio station, and i'm pretty sure i'd know less than three, if i know (or have heard of) any at all.
Michi and i discussed this a few days ago, and we both agreed that it's so much more satisfying to listen to Broadway musicals than anything else. they have emotions and such depth that can't be accomplished by just a simple pop song. musicals, in general, are just all (emotionally, at least) on a higher level than any other media.
and you know what, right now, i feel like i can just listen to showtunes forever, and i'd need no other kind of music. no matter what i'm in the mood for, if i feel the need to wallow or cry, or if i need something to cheer me up, or something profound that can sweep me away or something that will just make me smile, i can find it in a musical. let me demonstrate using songs just from my three (current) favorites: Rent, Wicked and
The Last 5 Years (click the link to download the OBCR EDIT: whoops OoBCR pala, i seriously cannot recommend anything more highly than i recommend this). click on the song titles to download the song. :)
there's the over-the-top cheese
borrow the moonlight until it is through
and know i'll be here holding you
as long as you're mine
As Long As You're Mine (Wicked)
the incredibly cracked-out
it's like i'm being tied to the hood
of a yellow rental truck
being packed in with fertilizer and fuel oil
pushed over a cliff by a suicidal Mickey Mouse
Over the Moon (Rent)
the incredibly happy
i think they meant it when they said you can't buy love
now i know you can rent it, a new lease you are my love
on life, be my life
I'll Cover You (Rent)
the dramatic ballad
the crowds roar, the days soar,
the babies cry, without you
the moon glows, the river flows, but i die without you
Without You (Rent)
songs for the emo teenage girl
don't wish, don't start
wishing only wounds the heart
i wasn't born for the rose and pearl
there's a girl i know, he loves her so
i'm not that girl
I'm Not That Girl (Wicked)
nothing can be more romantic than
will you share your life with me (forever)
for the next ten lifetimes? (forever, Jamie)
for a million summers, 'til the world explodes
'til there's no one left
who has ever known us apart
The Next Ten Minutes (L5Y) ♥♥♥
proclaiming girl power and confidence
and if i'm flying solo, at least i'm flying free
to those who ground me, take a message back from me
tell them how i am defying gravity
and soon i'll match them in renown
Defying Gravity (Wicked)
nakaka-in love na male vocals
find glory beyond the cheap colored lights
one song before the sun sets
glory, on another empty life
time flies, time dies
One Song Glory (Rent)
the seriously slit-my-wrists kind of depressing
with a thousand sweet kisses
(when you're worn out and tired)
with a thousand sweet kisses (when your heart has expired)
I'll Cover You: Reprise (Rent)
give me a day, Jamie
bring back the lies
hang them back on the wall
maybe i'd see how you could be
so certain that we had no chance at all
Still Hurting (L5Y)
and here's the kicker: a completely giddy
yet extremely depressing song
finally he can cut through these strings
and open my wings
so goodbye until tomorrow
goodbye until my feet touch the floor
and i will be waiting for you
you never saw how far the crack had opened
you never knew i had run out of rope and
i could never rescue you no matter how i tried
all i could do was love you hard and let you go
Goodbye Until Tomorrow/I Could Never Rescue You (L5Y)
beautiful, beautiful round songs
no chestnuts roasting on an open fire
(twenty-four, fifteen!) (let's not hold hands yet)
no chestnuts roasting on an open fire
(twenty-four, fifteen!) (is that a warning?)
Christmas Bells (Rent)
i can't control my destiny
i trust my soul, my only goal is just to be
(will i lose my dignity, will someone care
will i wake tomorrow from this nightmare?)
Finale B (Rent)
and, plainly, there is no other such utter genius:
it well may be that we will never meet again in this lifetime
so let me say before we part, so much of me
is made of what i learned from you
you'll be with me like a handprint on my heart
For Good (Wicked)
there's only us, there's only this
forget regret or life is yours to miss
no other road, no other way
no day but today
Life Support (Rent)
whew. that was fun. :) i have such great love for these three. and it thrills me that there are still many, many great musicals in the world, and i am going to have the greatest time experiencing them one by one (though it's going to be years until i can actually watch one on Broadway). that's what all these sharing comms are for, right? ;)
i have to say, though, that after The Last 5 Years, it's going to be difficult to find anything that will touch me as profoundly. i mean, all the stuff i've watched so far i've loved and gotten me emotional, but L5Y is different. i can't find the words to describe how amazing it is, you really just have to listen to it. again,
download the OoBCR here. the plot is a deceptively simple boy-meets-girl kind of thing, yet Jason Robert Brown just weaves the story with great songs, and a great twist that makes everything all the more jaw-droppingly amazing. guh. i can't stop gushing about it, obviously. :P it doesn't help that Norbert Leo Butz and Sherie Rene Scott both have voices to die for. just... listen to these 14 wonderful songs. even if you're not a musical kind of person, please try it.
Who is Your Ideal TV Boyfriend?
Created by BuddyTV Mattyyyyy. ♥ far from my favorite FNL guy, but it's true that he'd make a very excellent first boyfriend. :P and i guess our personalities match pretty well. Timmy's hotter, though. :P
hay. i miss TV. :( please let the strike be over soon.
i've been such a pirate this weekend. in just the last 30 hours, i've downloaded 34 albums, 1 Broadway boot and DVD rips of 2 recent movies. O_O my poor, poor internet connection. my poor, poor laptop that hasn't had any rest. my poor, poor hard drive with less than 10 gig free space. oh, and my poor, poor, abused DVD burner.
like i've told Jane, this whole downloading thing is an addiction. i should stop, but i keep finding stuff that i want to get. :P there are always new links and new uploads that pop up after a few hours. di talaga nauubos. :P and it just feels so weird to not be downloading anything while surfing. nasasayangan ako. does anybody else feel that way? XD
and if in turn you agree to the next ten minutes
and the next ten minutes 'til the morning comes
then just holding you might compel me to ask you for more
there are so many lives i want to share with you.