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Marty's Yearbook
May 02, 2006 15:15
Marty's yearbook appears to be a mix of his memorable moments and his humilation while at FH.
Hey there he is buying a record at Championship Vinyl
Awww! He just got a chicken for a pet from the Swedish Chef!
Which was the same day he got
by his
Oh look! here's the time he thought he was Principal Connor!
Aww! Homecoming!
And who can forget the time he sang ABBA all day?
There's a picture of him manning the welcome desk with Alanna at Parents weekend and giving that "Uncle George" guy a strange look.
Here's Marty and V trying to start the Gremlin Bite Support Group.
Here he is making "friends" with Belthazor
Here's a series of pictures that he doesn't remember whatsoever
Which includes him being chased by a Mariachi Band
Gee, look there he is hugging a butler
And finally there's a picture of a boy wearing a clip on tie and getting married to a girl with cake batter on her head.
The one picture he really hasn't looked at is the dedication page to
Kitty Pryde
. If he has a choice? He won't look at it at all.
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