A very tired and jet-lagged Marty stumbles into room 239/240 carrying a duffle bag. Instead of finding his roommate he finds a skeletal figure trying on one of his suits.
Scratch that. Not a figure, an actual skeleton.
Marty heaves a long sigh. "Is it too much to ask for at least *one* day of something completely normal before the weirdness creeps in?"
The skeleton gives Marty what could be considered a pleading look.
"No! It's my freaking suit and-" Marty stops when he feels something pulling on his pant leg. He looks down to see what appears to be a weetiny bunny hugging his leg. He sighs again.
"Look. I don't know-"
Suddenly green slime rains down upon Marty's head.
"Oh for the love of all things holy! Out! Out! All of you!"
The skeleton and the bunny high tail it out of the room. Somewhat energized by the run-in with weirdness, Marty takes a shower and then
heads toward the common room after making a quick
phone call.