♕ 12 outfits (shoes included)
everyday green dress with jacketb.
everyday green dress with shoulder shawlc.
everyday pink dress with headbandd.
everyday blue dress with hair ribbonse.
everyday red outfit with headbandf.
semi-formal blue dress with hatg.
festive brown dress with hath.
formal navy blue dress with hati.
formal gold dress with hatj.
formal azure dress with headbandk.
winter pink dress with bonnet and
sailor outfit (arrival outfit)
♕ 6 sets of panties/drawers
♕ 5 petticoats
♕ 4 camisoles
♕ 4 pairs of stockings (2 white, 2 black)
♕ 3 corsets
♕ 3 garterbelts
♕ 1 shortened crinoline cage
♕ 1 makeup kit
♕ 1 toiletry kit (perfume, smelling salts, moisturizer, etc.)
♕ 1 box of hair ribbons, earrings, and miscellaneous accessories
♕ 2 nightgowns
♕ 2 parasols (1 white, 1 navy blue to match outfit H)
♕ 4 handbags to match outfits A, D, E, and I
♕ 2
rapiers♕ 1 sword cleaning kit