Title: Preventing a Disappearance, Part 1
Series: Tales of the Abyss
Section: After the Tower of Rem
Character Focus: Luke, Jade, Tear
Summary: Luke used the fonic artes too much after the Tower of Rem incident.
Luke was awfully quiet. Ever since the Tower of Rem and the visit to the doctor, he hadn't said a single word. The only ones who knew the truth about his situation were Mieu, Jade and Tear. They were concerned as to what would happen to the replica. They knew he wasn't ready to die, but now it was only a matter of time before he did.
They were near near the town of Engave when Luke collapsed. Being in the back, Guy was the first one to his side.
"Luke? What's wrong?"
Tear and Jade spun around, seeing the others gather around the redhead. Panic surged through the young woman and she hurried over to his side. Jade quickly made his way too, but not quite as fast.
They both had remembered what Luke wanted. That he wished his status to remain a secret. He didn't want the others to know of his plight. Ever since he had used the hyperresonance with Asch, his seventh fonons were disappearing. He, too, would soon disappear with all the replicas.
"I'm fine... just... just a little dizzy," Luke protested. To try and prove his point, he attempted to stand up on his own. Jade, Mieu and Tear all saw him struggling, but let him do it. They could see he was tired - the scientist knew that his fonon bonds were weakening.
"Do you think you can make it to Engave?" former intelligence soldier questioned. There was worry in her voice and she knew everyone could hear it.
"I can go farther than that," the replica answered. As if to prove himself to them, he walking around normally. He looked over at the group and smile. He had to reassure them somehow.
"If you say so, Luke," Natalia spoke, "but if you get worse, we're calling over the next coach and taking you straight to a doctor."
"Alright, alright. I get it... Geez."
"If we can, we'll find a coach anyway. I intend on making it to St. Binah by sundown," Jade announced.
"Boy! You can be so cruel, Colonel!" Anise protested.
"It's best if we make it there. Then we can get a better time for sleep."
And I can get a more private room, Luke thought. He cast a fleeting glance down at his hand. He swore he was able to see through the skin to muscle and even to bone, if only for a split second. His emerald eyes cast a gaze of worry.
One that the three that were in the know caught.
"Let's go then," Luke agreed as his friend stood up. Started walking before -
"I think it's best if Luke remains near the back," Jade spoke again, "Tear and myself will be at his side in case something should happen."
So soon the formation changed, placing the Malkuth and the Kimlaskan on either side of the young man. Luke gave a small groan but didn't fight it. He knew why they were on either side of him. They knew why he was weak.
"Once we arrive at St. Binah, you will go to the physician there," the former scientist uttered softly so that only Luke and Tear could hear him, "You've been using fonic artes a lot since the Tower. You were instructed to use them as little as possible, or do you not remember?"
"You two worry too much," the redhead replied. "You need to lighten up a little bit."
"We worry because we want to make sure you make it to the end of this. So that you can fight and help to save the world. We can't do it without you there, Luke," the former intelligence officer replied quickly.
"Just find Asch... It'd be better if he was there..."
Tear and Jade frowned. He was still putting himself down?
It was farther down the road - well past Engave - when Luke collapsed again. Jade caught the teen in his arms, his eyes filled with concern. He swallowed as he held the boy in his arms, seeing a quick phase before he took form again. He looked to Tear, knowing they needed to implement the plan they had made only a while earlier.
"Natalia, call the coach," Jade spoke, "Quickly!"
Nodding, Natalia put out her arm. She waved down the next coach as it passed by.
"Hey!! We need some help!" the princess cried to the coachman, "Our friend is ill and collapsed. We need to get him to St. Binah as quickly as possible."
"Get in," the driver spoke to them. "You don't need to pay since this is an emergency."
Tear - who had gotten a couple of packs from Lady Fabre last they were at the manor - pulled out a blanket from one of them. She quickly wrapped it around Luke to keep the illusion that he was ill going. While the use of the word "illness" was a bit much, it held somewhat true in this case. If he wasn't treated, then he would die sooner. They needed to hurry to St. Binah.
"If he doesn't get treated he'll vanish before tomorrow morning," Jade uttered.
He carefully picked the teen up and carried him into the coach. He and Tear shared one side of the carriage, Guy, Anise and Natalia taking the other. On their laps, Luke lay unconscious, wrapped in the blankets to keep him hidden from the world. The fomicry expert held the teen tightly. In all his years he'd never been so scared - not even when he first started using the science he had forbidden. He was afraid to lose his young comrade, his friend.
"Please," he whispered, gazing down at the frail Luke, "hold on."