If this show were on the BBC, it would be fantastic, if only because the English employ the Three Act structure in the whole of their programming. Unfortunately, Cookalong Live caters to American sensibilities and eerily feels like an attempt to cross The Rachel Ray Show and Top Gear; a brilliant idea, if only the key demographic were not Jay Leno's audience. Instead of Rachel Ray, producers should consider a Alton Brown/Graham Norton fusion as their model; cheeky, provocative, engaging, chaotic and delightful. Simply watching an episode of The F Word proves Gordon can command of all those qualities including spontaneity all the while keeping within the boundaries of tastefulness.
Were it within my abilities to do so, I would remove the following from Cookalong Live: The long-winded American-style Kitchen Nightmare's introduction to the show. It is a waste of time that Gordon could use to pace his show better, or at the very least, it would allow richer interactions with his assisting celebrities. Next off, the creepy movie-announcer voice-overs. Let the pictures speak for themselves. Also, in place of the via-satellite celebrity I would enjoy watching a second family with which Gordon can interact. In fact, lowering the number of people joining Gordon via Skype and focusing on two families will not only mitigate the chaos on the show, but will also introduce a competitiveness very much like The Family Feud. Lastly, no more Jay Walking or cooking with kids segments. There is plenty with which to work, especially with three guests on stage.
Final thought: Gordon has a strong and unique identity in Great Britain which he must inject into this American persona if he is ever going to throw wayside the image beset with anger and arrogance cast upon him by his American endeavors.
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