For the "Trump was great!" people in your life:
He so badly handled the Middle East we almost went to war with Iran. He left Syria to a despot and Russia. They are the ones who defeated ISIS not the US. The economy was booming when trump came into office and his pointless tariffs left us so badly off the repo market locked up in 2019 and they had to use quantitative easing and drop the interest rate to 0% , effectively making the US government print money. We had energy independence starting in 2012 when the US became a net exporter of oil. Unemployment only went down .7% during his presidency and ended up with net loss of jobs by the end of his presidency, Trump to left office with the worst jobs record since Herbert Hoover. the unemployment rate soared to an 80-year high and the number of employed Americans fell from 152.5 million to 130.3 million. Those 22.2 million job losses set U.S. employment back to 1999 levels. illegal immigration spiked under trump. President Trump entered the White House with the goal of reducing legal immigration by 63 percent. Trump was wildly successful in reducing legal immigration. By November 2020, the Trump administration reduced the number of green cards issued to people abroad by at least 418,453 and the number of non‐immigrant visas by at least 11,178,668 during his first term through November 2020. In 2020, the removal of illegal immigrants from the interior of the United States was the lowest as an absolute number and as a share of the illegal immigration population since ICE was created in 2003 (Figure 3). Trump failed to increase removals Gas prices Obama's last year gas was nationally $2.27 pg, before the pandemic economic collapse the price under Trump was $2.70. Basically everything you think about trump is a lie. He accomplished nothing and left the nation weaker and worse off.
Trump did nothing to improve the Middle East, which is as politically and ethnically divided as ever. He sent his incompetent, know nothing son-in-law instead of seasoned diplomats to the Mideast. He sent aid to Saudi Arabia so that the Yemen tragedy could continue and thousands more men, women, and children could be slaughtered. Trump terminated a workable nuclear treaty with Iran and, as in so many other situations, provided nothing to take its place. Trump promised to replace Obamacare with something better. Instead, he did nothing of the kind and before long stopped talking about health care at all. He separated children from their parents at the Mexican border and then lost track of them. He started a pointless trade war with China that only hurt American farmers and businessmen. China is stronger than ever and have taken up trade contacts that were once America's. Trump not only had no plan to fight climate change, he also ignorantly denied it even exists. We lost four years in a struggle to save our country from the ravages of environmental degradation now seen in wildfires, flooding, and drought. Trump is not responsible for a good economy because he inherited one from Obama. More jobs were added during Obama's administration than during Trump's. Biden is doing even better with unemployment rates. Not a single thing for the average citizen's economic improvement was passed under Trump. Only the rich benefited from the 2017 tax cut, including Trump, who is still fighting to conceal his tax returns. Trump tried to pressure Ukraine to find dirt on Biden and said there was nothing wrong with what he did. Never mind that it was a clear violation of international and domestic law. He claimed he was defrauded of reelection when the only fraud was his baseless allegation of vote tampering. He lost over 60 court cases in which he pursued his phony election claims. He inspired and orchestrated an attack on the Capitol building that caused millions in damage while ignorantly claiming his Vice-President could have blocked Biden's inauguration. Trump exacerbated political divisions and debased the presidency. Fortunately, his legal problems are multiplying and he will be too pressed dealing with them to ever again impose his corruption and incompetence on the country. Hopefully, Trump will move from Florida to whatever federal or state penitentiary can take him.
Not even Trump, the most egregious liar in American history, ever accused Biden of what you accuse him of. Obviously, you are totally ignorant of Trump's long history of corruption in his business dealings before becoming the worst president. He is smart enough to have his subordinates like Michael Cohen and Allen Weisselberg take the rap for his criminality. But even that did not save Trump from having to shell out $25,000,000 to people defrauded by his bogus Trump University. That is a matter of public record. So are the more than 30,000 lies Trump made even in the short time he was in the White House. So is the sentencing of several of his appointees and cronies. If you look at the postings in this thread and others, the comments run overwhelmingly against Trump.
Mad props to this guy: