Ok so normally i don't stay up on celeb gossip but...

Apr 26, 2004 02:36

wow how many entries start like that?

ANYWAY. So whilst in the check-out line at the supermarket, i saw one of many tabloids exposing the pathetic lives of people we're supposed to care about. This one was, however, about Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie having some sort of illicit relation, and about Jen Anniston being "furious" of course.

SO whilst pondering the unfortunate circumstances that two otherwise good actors (and sexy bitches) came up in the tabloid rumor mill, Doing what i always do, i completely ignored it, payed for my shit and left promptly without incident.

THEN the following day/evening whilst comsuming several 'bowls' of tetrahydracanibinnol infused plant matter, I was informed by someone whom i consider to be a very trustworthy source for celeb info (a gay man) about this very topic.

AS it turns out, Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie are in a movie called Mr. and Mrs. Smith. APPARENTLY there's a sex scene that Pitt and Jolie shot before the rest of filming, and ever since then they've been getting rather close off camera.

Now, I'm going to throw my own two sense in here and announce that OF COURSE Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie are fucking off camera. Clearly two of the hottest people are banging after shooting a sex scene. Theres so much sexual tension in acting to begin with, (*cough* musicals *cough*). Add to that your pretending to have sex with the person. Add to that its Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie!! I would have sex with both of them!

ANYWAY. Apparently the director saw the two of them "getting close" off camera. (read: walked in on Angelina Jolie with Pitt's head in her lap) So he pays them more money to reshoot the sex scene but he has them really get into it. The director said its the hottest thing he's ever scene. (HAHA you like that pun, bitches?)

I have no reason to doubt it.

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