Apr 23, 2006 17:06
this is a post for britney or fule as i like to call her
dear fule,
im sorry read the myspace message i sent you and all will be explained
i think i forgot to mention in it that i got out of work at like 8:40 that night as well
im sorry im sorry im sorry it was not ment as a slap in the face because your face is far to beautiful for that
miscomunication is the culprate
and i called your house twice a little after 8 because i knew i was going to get out late and i wanted to let you know i wouldnt be there at 8:30
you have my deepest apalogies and i hope you accept them because i really am sorry about that whole incident, i thought you were ditching me when i was really ACCIDENTALLY the ditcher thinking i was the ditchie
im so sorry fule
please do not hate me because i would cry
i love you even if you dont love me, always
<3 forever
- me (bo banny)