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001 An aarmory of aardvarks, 009 A bale of turtles, 010 A band of gorillas,
014 A bevy of quail,
019 A cackle of hyenas, 022 A chattering of choughs, 027 A congregation of plovers, 036 A fesnyng of ferrets, 040 A gang of elk,
043 A hand of bananas,
045 A host of sparrows, 046 A hover of trout, 056 A leash of foxes, 067 A parliament of owls, 068 A parliament of rooks, 072 A poke of fencers, 085 A stand of flamingo, 088 A stench of skunks,
091 A string of ponies,
103 A tilt of windmills, 104 A tribe of goats, 107 A trip of goats, 111 A ubiquity of sparrows, 114 A vagary of impediments, 118 A wash of emotions
Theresa (Temom) - 22
Nanabear (icetbear) - 22
Judymo - 20
Barb (Momof6) - 19
Neefer - 19
Kelly (Keljo60) - 18
Lennie (lentube) - 16
Gina (Pudge99) - 16
Judy (Stitchntime) - 15