Because some of you asked for this

Sep 15, 2006 14:42

Building Bridges Pub Moot

When: September 27th, 2006
Where: Toronto, Ontario

Come One Come ALL . . . . to this months Building Bridges Pub Moot

Event Details: Set your calendars for this date, you won't want to miss it !!

Time: 8:00 pm - 10:30 pm, live entertainment afterwards with an Open Stage for Musicians

JOIN US FOR NETWORKING STARTING AT 8:00 pm or come earlier for dinner!
Special Events: Insightful discussions, Open stage afterwards for Musicians

Come Join Us for a Fun Evening!!!

Brian Walsh will be your gracious host for the evening. Brian is a Priest in the Céilí Sídhe tradition of Celtic Paganism since 1990. He has a B.A. in Celtic Studies and Religious Studies from the University of Toronto, and an M.Phil. from the University of Wales. He is a Celtic and Reconstructionist Chaplain at the University of Toronto, and a licensed Wedding Officiant, able to perform legal weddings. Be sure to check out his website for more info about him

Jim and Amy are still going to be around this but on occasion they too like to be part of the crowd, so please be sure to drop by to raise a glass & cheer Brian on in his role as host for September.

We will be discussing upcoming Pagan Events in Ontario and some other surprises to be announced later.

Be sure to bring any info about your events and your feedback or suggestions about the Toronto Pagan Conference.


Your Host:

Brian Walsh

What else is there to do??
~ Full dinner and appetizer menu to choose from
~ Full Bar with Large selection of Beers on Tap
~ Dance floor and juke box with World music
~ Live entertainment, an Open Stage for Musicians,
bring your talent and your instruments from 10:30 pm onwards

Check out our Networking table:
~ Bring your business cards, flyers, magazines for display ~
~ A list of upcoming events and projects in the GTA
~ Meet with old friends and new

There may be some games and other surprises too!

Check our website for details:

See you there!

Event Location: 1554 Queen Street West in Toronto
Event TIME Details: 8:00 pm - 10:30 pm, live entertainment afterwards

Directions: 1554 Queen Street West, Toronto, ON
(Between Roncesvalles & Lansdowne Ave, just east of Sorauren Ave on the North side) Come to the back room and the patio should be open too!

Website II:
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