Happy 4th... Sure

Jul 05, 2009 14:06

Well my 4th of July was spent waiting out a dust storm. It' lucked out how we didn't have any work to do because the of the storm. We got some steaks from mainside and grilled them, luckily it was just dust and not sand so they turned out alright. What blows is how we didn't get any beer. We received two beers for the super bowl but for the 4th we didn't get jack. They say it was a money issue and that they didn't have the funds to spend on the beer. Bullshit we fly a bunch of missions that don't really need to be flown, everyone at our squadron would put in 5 bucks for beer and we're a cargo plane we could have gone and picked up beer. War is gay my friends, they asked us is we wanted taco bell picked up on a bird when they flew to Kuwait. The aircrews get their combat wings here for flying to taco bell. Wasted money in one place screws us over in another. It's what makes the Marine Corps go round.
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