Mar 11, 2009 23:34
Well it's going on year 5 that I will not be able to go float the river, drink beer, hit on half nekkid women in Texas flag bikini's. I'm missing out on the blue bonnets and indian paint yet again, however missing these things this year doesn't seem all to bad. The irony is that my hill country is turning in to a desert stricken with a drought that's getting pretty bad. I remember years ago when I was a wee little lad the Frio never seemed that low. I don't know if it's because I've gotten bigger or in the river really has shrunk that much. Just the last few times I made it out to Concan it always looked lower then the year before. I imagine that it's slowed to a trickle and dry in parts by now.
I spent the day arguing with my SSgt about how even though to quote our in country brief to "not fuck with the wild life" that I couldn't wait to find a snake. They are quite tasty and I wouldn't mind having another one mounted on the wall next to the Habu. I'm pretty stoked that in a week or so I will be doing the Combat Life Savers course, and I'm working on getting in to the basic emt course. I dunno why I just think both or those would be interesting. So I may have one up with the mom and sister when they start going in to their medical mumbo jumbo talk I can half way understand them and at the same time I still have my airplane talk with the old man. I need to mail off some letters I just keep getting side tracked here and there. You think your going to have something come up any min then the next thing you know it's 12 hours later and you haven't done anything. The next day your working like mad to get the birds up so they can fly. I've got my scam outta fod walk tomorrow so good on me. And Wednesdays are the best days at the chow hall, it's surf and turf Wednesdays. I'm at war folks and I had two lobster tails with my steak, it's a harsh job. I guess that's the least they can give me for working 6 months 12 hours on 12 hours off, sometime more hours on then off. Cant wait for that cold lone star beer when I get home.