A real bed...

May 31, 2007 09:22

So we've been cleaning the house lately in hopes of getting some real furniture in here. The three items of note would be the couch Laura's parents have been promising us since before last Christmas, a new kitchen table (been making payments on it as we go, it's a really nice one), and a bed. We haven't actually -found- a bed yet, but we're gonna need one soon, it sounds like the futon will collapse within the week, and the thing hurts my back so badly I can barely walk. It looks good in here though, if I were a Sim my 'room' bar would be going way up.

In other news, Bossard has crossed the line and I sure hope my application for the Cedar Falls School District goes through so I can tell them precisely and graphically where to shove it. Last night I checked my mailbox and we all had little colorful bits of paper with a memo from the big guys on 'em. The memo read something to the effect of "I'm so glad to inform you that due to this year's circumstances we will be getting a reprieve from the mid year evaluation and review." Translation? "It makes me giddy as a little girl to think that for no real solid reason I found a way to cheat you all out of your raises this year, wont the big guys like that?" Damn Lynn Carter, she's such a two-faced little...*sigh* oh well. I'll soon wash my hands of them.

As I sit here I can look out across the field our apartment was built on. It's land that belongs to the county...off a ways there's a building where they put the snow plows in summer. The grass and native plants were left to grow to their natural height and the field looks really soft. Some weekend I'll have to haul my camping stuff out there and just sleep in it...

Thats all for now,
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