(no subject)

Mar 08, 2005 09:10

Wow, well I was sick on the weekend like I said in my last journal entry and well I still kind of am but I still went to school to infect everyone. Im like- evil, but not. Well Im in first blcok and I should be doing work... but as you can tell buy reading this now that I'm writing in my LJ instead. It's funny that I say "you" reading this... Who are you? I doubt there's any's you's reading this at all. Ahh I love not knowing anybody on LJ yet. ^_^

Well I found out today that when you "bagweew" Ashley she yells and hits you and when you "bagweew" Tanzer she "heeey"'s and does it back saying "Badgeweew" instead.. Pah. "Badgeweew"ing is so last year. Geeze Tanzer get with the program. The "in" "bagweewing" crowd. Population. ..Me. I'm obviously recruiting new members of the "bagweewing" crowd. It's got a cool name though. "Bagweew or be Bagweew-ed" Deep, huh? *sighing* Man I'm so fucking cool. It really is vary hard to be this cool. No one really see's it yet.

Oh hey. I really do have something to write about. Yeah I do. Yesterday, Monday, I bought the third Chrono Crusade DVD. wOOt. No it was really good too. I have to wait till next monday till I have 30 more dollars though. Aww and the fourth book of Chrono Crusade is out on wedsday so Ill probably buy that even though I wont have the money to buy a second book that day becasue the ADV manga or more exspensive. *sad* Oh well. It's worth it. I heart Chrono Crusade to much to care.

Well thats what important to me. I have nothing better to talk about. -5 minutes later- ... No I really don't. Kevin made me a braclet. Its got a blue and a orange and a blue beads on it. Wooo @_@.. Yeah He had to many beads from is jewlery class (Teehee he's in a jewlery class) so he was giving them away. I told him i'd take them if he put them on a braclet. Haha. So he did. It's to big but im not complaining. >_< ;; I like it.

Yeah I'm done know. I really have nothing important to talk about.

Im out.

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