before I meme...I would just like to say that having a new relationship is so damn confusing sometimes. I feel like I'm being to pushy but he is an adult he can tell me to back down if its something he doesn't want right? I guess in reality I'm just nervous he doesn't want this..I do..I really really do.
and seriously I majored in communication you think at least I would be good at it!
Today was crazy at work I had to sit in on someone getting fired which was a debacle because neither one of us knew how to do all the steps, but we got through it.
Then the lights go off and on within like 2 seconds, but all of our registers, computers, and telxons were down for like 20 minutes. You would not believe the lines you can get in 20 minutes. It was mayhem.
A song that makes me laugh.
Okay I know this isn't a 'real' song, but this is it for sure.
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