Apr 06, 2008 18:18
Right now Two Towers is on. I really, really just wanted to sit in my PJs all day and watch the Lord of the Rings Trilogy on TNT today. It would have been so grand just to do nothing, but listen to Aragorn talk to Legolas in his kermie like voice, watch awkward, but lovable moments between sam and frodo, and think about all the inside jokes that goes along with all of these movies. But no, I was productive and will only enjoy the last of Helm's Deep and Return of the King. I haven't watched these movies all the way through in a long time.
Today I went to work to do reports so tomorrow will be easier on me. I guess there is a very good chance that tomorrow my boss of a year will tell me that he took a job in Detriot. It will be sad and I have been trying to prepare myself all weekend to no avail. I love Darryl as a boss, he listens to you, teaches you and has a style of management that is neither bossy or laid back but a just right in between that makes you motivated to work for him and appriciated. I mean, take me going in on the weekend for example, no one asked me to do that, nor did I mind, I wanted to and that has almost all to do with him. I think this would have come less as a shock if he was moving up in the company, but he is just transferring to do the same job in a different market. I'm just unsure of how this is going to work, how the transition will go in genral and specifically to my new boss (whoever that will be...I'm hoping to god they give it to Mitchell...our HR guy right now...that would be the greatest, I mean if I can't have Darryl I want Chris) I'm just nervous how I would mesh with anyone else. I was nervous with Darryl as well, but its a whole nother anxiety now. What if I'm not cracked up to what they need? What if I don't get along with them? I don't know for all this typing it might not even happen. .
I also went to church with my parents and cleaned out my car. Whoot for getting things done.
Yesterday was Megan's 3rd birthday and we went over to the Russell's for her Island Princess Barbie party!! It was fun, Amber and I went in and bought this cute little patio set, a table with an umbrella and two lawn chairs with Dora on it. We should have gotten the princess one, but the Dora one was way cute. She ripped it open and yelled out TABLE and then proceeded to her next present and did the same to each exclaming what they were and then going for the next. It was adorable. We stayed and played singstar of course! And ping pong which was scary and near fatel the way we all played, but a blast.
I think that is all I have. Hope everyone had a good weekend and has a great week.