Jan 12, 2008 13:52
Went and saw Juno last night. It was so cute and very funny. With the exception of the stupid whores who sat in the front of the theater and talked like they were at home watching a movie it was a good night. I firmly believe the punk/emo kids kicked thier skinny white asses after the show. Well I like to think they did any way...they deserved it.
I really liked Ellen Page. She was so good in the movie. Remember Dawson's Creek (don't get me wrong here I loved Dawson's Creek when it was on) and how they talked and it was so not believable that teenagers talked that way, well in Juno it could have swung that way, but she made it so believable. Ohhh and random appearance by Rainn "Dwight Schrout" Wilson made it even better ("your ego is prego")
Movie trailers blew....nothing that great coming out. We did see a super long preview for The Dark Knight featuring Heath Ledger before I Am Legend. It looks so good. He looks so creepy.
I guess its hole up in your room today at home. Thats fine I have to clean mine and maybe do some rearranging.
Also have to take a walk through the Meijer soon.