(no subject)

Mar 30, 2005 18:32


Name: Courtney
Age: 15
Location: Albany. That means NY. :)
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual. I swing both ways. I'm like one of those kitchen doors you see in restaurants.
How did you find us: Through Sara, naturally. :) She told me to join (for she is sitting right behind me.)
Nickname: Shamu
Dating Status (Taken, Single, Not Looking): Single.


5 Bands/Artists: Catch 22, Streetlight Manifesto, Bright Eyes, Interpol, Tears for Fears.
5 Movies: Party Monster, Saved, Phantom of the Opera, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Donnie Darko.
2 Foods: Chocolate-covered espresso beans (those... do count as food, right?) and pizza.
Color: Purple or silver.
Animal: Squirrels?
Song (and show us your favorite part of the song, that means the lyrics): I'd probably have to say "Down in a Rabbit Hole" by Bright Eyes.
Your heart starts skippin' steps
So you're farther gone
Then you might expect
If your thoughts should turn to death
Gotta stomp 'em out
Like a cigarette
Country (and why): Japan. o.o Because that's where all the schmexy men (although whether or not they're actually men is debatable) are. ^^ Japan is where O___O!smex originates from.


Eating Disorders (Anorexia, Binge Eating): I think they're stupid. >_< I honestly don't know how people just don't eat, or get rid of what they eat. I like to eat. Food is my friend. And not everybody is thin as a stick. We like curves. ^^
Plastic Surgey: Pshhhh. Really a waste of money, in my opinion.
Your MOD: Sex. (& my guide into womanhood. XD)
Your Co-MOD: More sex. ♥
Random Topic: An opinion, you mean? Well. In my opinion, I really need to stop using so many smileys when I type. >>"


Make us laugh:

What are your 3 biggest pet peeves: People who type lyk dis and can't be bothered to spell or capitalize anything, people who go out biking whilst on their phones, pen-tapping in the middle of a test
Compliment one member: Sara has fantasmagorical piano-playing skills (as she pounds out "Here comes the bride" on my piano) :P
Make us something on Paint (paintshop, photoshop, etc.):

...I had fun making that? ^.^ I usually don't make banners. For I don't have PhotoShop (woe is me).


Promote us to either ONE community or TWO personal journals: ___lame_squad
Give us an idea for a theme or weekly question:

Post 2-5 pictures of yourself.

This picture I use for all my applications. I don't have many of myself on here. >>"

Sorry that's kind of... big. I'm the one in the back, to the right of the guy with his mouth wide open (...that would be Chris).
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