Jun 14, 2006 12:39
So I hope it's obvious to everyone that just because you love something that it doesn't mean that it will make everything fine and dandy. People say all you need is love, well first that is complete bullshit. We are all too spoiled to want just love and then to be completely happy with it and want nothing else when we get it. Second, there are so many other important things that are needed to survive, or to have a relationship or whatever the hell you want. Love isn't what holds things together, its a nice thing to have, and it helps but what people don't realize is that things are so much more complicated then that. Life isn't that easy to where you need only one thing to survive, nothing is. If something was that easy then there would be way less pain, a lot less confusion, and everything would just be totally different. But what's the fun in that? What's the fun in life if there isn't a challenge, if there isn't something to fight for? Unless you are completely lazy and just want everything handed to you on a silver platter, and if so then you are dumb as hell and don't deserve shit because there are so many people out there working their fucking asses off to get where they want to be in life and you just expect that life is so simple because you don't need to work for what you want. Well just to let you know you will never know how it feels to gain something because you earned it by yourself. Pretty much you are just a lazy ass bastard. So back to what I was saying, I'm not bashing on love or anything, I'm all for it. But people are so fucking ignorant and they think that their lives would be so much easier if they had love; like love solves anything? Guess what, it doesn't! It just makes things more complicated, it holds people back from what they really want to do. When it comes down to it, it's not just themselves that they have to think about anymore, there's a whole other person or thing to think about and to take into consideration. Some people are so stuck on the fact that they think they need something else in their life to make them happy and that's the point when they become dependent and needy. They come to the conclusion that if they are on their own than they will be lonely, sad and unhappy and only another thing or person can make them not feel that way. You don't need anything but yourself to be satisfied you selfish idiot. So what if you don't have love? It's not like it would make your life any easier by any means.
I just figured I'd let all the stupid people know this so at least they will be warned. And don't be fucking scared to be alone, cuzz technically you're not alone. Unless of course you have no friends and have no social skills whatso ever.
So in other news, I havne't writen on there in forever! Um New Orleans was fun as always, though I think its complete bullshit that they are making all the volenteers stop working by Aug. 27th. Fuck FEMA! Nothing else really exciting has happen...I went to the beach and got pretty tan, but that's about it. Hopefully the rest of my summer will be more exciting and hopefully there will be more trips to come!
By the way, no one comment on this, its just a tangent and something I was thinking about, nothing more. So dont' all of a suddon think that there is something wrong or whatever, I was only rambling =)