This journal is friends only, not out of any excessive need for privacy, but as a means to filter my "real life" from my "internet life."
This journal is mostly personal ramblings with fandom things interspersed throughout.1 While I've become an infrequent poster over the years, in 2010, I am going to try to post more frequently.
On the friending front: I tend to keep to myself, and I'm horrible at commenting. Still, I love to read others' journals, and am almost always happy to friend and read diligently, even if it will be done quietly. Leave a comment, add me, and, apart from rare exceptions, I will certainly add you back.
1 Star Trek, 24, The Beatles,
Rahmbamarama, Harry Potter, West Wing, House M.D., Sherlock Holmes, Sherlock (BBC 2010), Friday Night Lights
Originally Posted 4/4/04; Edited 23/12/09