[note to Sokka, Katara, & Aang]
Sokka, come to the shop IMMEDIATELY. Bring your sister and the Avatar.
[voice note to Toph]
Toph, please come to the tea shop as soon as you get this message.
[note to Ty Lee]
Please come to the tea shop as soon as you get this message. It is a matter of vital importance.
[Sorry, Zuko, you don't get a note. You will, however, get dragged kicking and screaming from whatever you were doing. Kiss kiss! ♥]
[Visitors to the Jasmine Dragon may be surprised by the change. The tables and chairs have all been moved from the center of the room and arranged in something that resembles an obstacle course. Ropes have been hung from the walls and ceiling in the perfect positions for climbing and swinging.
Iroh examines the room, walking around with a clipboard and a manic gleam in his eye that will be instantly recognizable to anyone who has been to camp... or to a corporate retreat.]
[ooc: LJ, I hate you forever for deleting the entry I spent so long on. TEAM-BUILDING EXERCISE IS GO! Non-Avatar crew, feel free to join in! Everybody is welcome! THREAD-JACKING IS HIGHLY ENCOURAGED! As always, slow tags will be slow. I love you all and wish upon you happiness, rainbows, and your fuzzy animal of choice.]