(no subject)

Jun 03, 2005 20:06

I am so sick of everything right now. Seriously. School was boring. it sucks when notihng good happens. The only good part was tom in spanish talking about halo, the oc, and all this random stuff..and making faces. ha yea, pretty sad that that was the best part of my day. ha yeah so i came home. was hoping to go to the movies but since my parents couldnt give a ride, we "couldnt go" so i called sarah and she said i could sleepover of i wanted, and then they get a ride to the movies. so whatever. yeah so britt halfffffff came over to watch my brother since im leaving later and stuff. so we tizzalked for a while i <3 her she is the best.we went and got dunkin donuts and oreos :) then we walked back and chattedddd. and i called my lover grayson cuz he is amazing. sweet deal. sarah and coopee and corrin all just called me at the same time. sweet deal i is so popularrrr ;) jkkk. so yeah corrin just left me a pretty pimp message on my phone - "hi taryn. it is corrin. i am at coopees. anyways i love u...and i want to bang you. okay i will talk to you later. bye." love this chick x 573286438. yea and i was so talking to fallon earlier and she is pretty much the nicest girl i have ever met. :D yea so i am gonna go. six flags tomorrow. be jealous ;)
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