(no subject)

Jul 27, 2005 19:46

hey ya'll

im finally allowed on the computer again!! YAY!! haha
well my first update is. . . umm this summer has gone
by sooo soo soo fast!! wow lol its been soo much fun
and i think, and hope that it will be even more fun
at school! haha camp is hallerious and i dont want
it to stop. okay well sometimes i do when we are
rehursing to much! lol here are some inside jokes:

winnie: okay everybody back up when they are singing their solo
david h.: IM CLEAN IM CLEAN!!

angalina does he kissy thingy**
izzy: omg i just got the goose bumps

angalina: OMG OMG OMG. . .. oh my gosh!!!

we are at the japanese resterant***
have you noticed there are mexican ppl working here but its a japanese resterant?

we are still at the japanese resterant**
chanel: ewww i hate tofu its like white and gushy and when you eat it, it like, squshes in your mouth!!
izzy: haha ive never tried it but it looks real gross
chanel: ya its like white poop
david h. eats it
izzy and chanel: EWWW!!! she just like licked that!!
david goes and spits it out in the trash can

at the japanese resterant AGAIN!!***
izzy: i like edamame its good
chanel: ya totally!!
christine: ive never tried it how do you eat it
david h.: you pop it in your mouth
izzy: ya aim it at your tounge like this (pops it yet it doesnt land in her mouth it lands on christine!!)
david: its edamame war!!
izzy and david h. and christine start shooting edamame at each other and it starts flying everywhere
winnie: you guys stop it i can feel food flying everywhere!!!!
walking out**david reed: you guys they kicked us out

david reed: i saw a hooker yesterday
chanel:im not suprized
david reed: she kinda looked like izzy
izzy: WHAT!!?!?
david reed: no that came out the wrong way!!
izzy and chanel: umm hmm!!
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