"Songs of Zion" collected by Menashe Meirowitz in 1895.
The song "Hatikva" that opens the collection is the anthem 'Hatikva' by Naftali Hertz Imber.
At the top of the song is written:
'To sing in the well-known tone.'
The song appears in its original version of the nine houses, and ends with the words:
'Return to our ancestral land where David Hanna'.
The song was originally written by Imber under the name 'Tikvatenu'.
The first time that the name "Tikvatenu" was changed to "Hatikva" was in the compilation "Songs of Zion" collected by Menashe Meirowitz in 1895.
Although in the Diaspora his name "Tikvatenu" remains.
At the Fourth Zionist Congress in 1900, Imber offered "Tikvatenu" to the Hebrew anthem, but was rejected By Herzl.
Menashe Meirowitz The Ekronites on their Land The activists Moyal, through whose assistance the land was purchased, brought them to their inheritance. He led them on their first journey, got them accustomed to the local conditions, and purchased animals and work implements for them, etc.
The settlers called their village Ekron after the Arab village, but the philanthropist called it “Mizkeret Batya” after his mother, who implanted in him the love of Israelite culture.
The land was good for the cultivation of crops, and the farmers were diligent workers of the land who were happy with their lot, as Y. M. Pines said about them in “Hamelitz” 1884 (18):
“They are happy and of good heart, performing their work with diligence, dedication, and patience, as is fitting and appropriate for true workers of the land who were raised from their youth in the bosom of work.”
They worked the true work of farmers in this moshava and plowed with oxen. Everyone admitted that this was an agricultural moshava in all its details. The Bilu member Chaim Chisin writes, “Only a man who is a farmer can understand how happy they were at the sight of the bent over stalks of wheat... and full ears” in the fields of the farmers of Ekron.
The small moshava did not succeed in having much written about it in the annals of the settlement of the Land of Israel, for its neighbors Gedera to the south and Rechovot to the north overshadowed it and its modest farmers, despite the fact that their dedication to agricultural village life in its simple meaning (as opposed to an easier farm life)[4] -- with plowing, planting, and harvesting -- was exemplary. They displayed stubborn opposition to the officials who wished to impose the style of planting upon them. Matters came to a rabbinical adjudication, and only the verdict that “with regard to work, farmers must listen to the officials”, caused them to submit.
The moshava continued to grow. In 1930, Menashe Meirowitz found there a school for 50 boys and girls, a Mishna study group, a guest house and a loan fund. The support upon which the farmers lived did not move them from their determination, and they continued to display their diligence in their primitive methodologies of planting which their souls desired.
The settlement of Ekron “located on the side” grew and became an area of more than 10,000 dunams. Its population grew to 500 people. During the War of Independence, Ekron served as a transport route on the temporary road between Tel Aviv and the capital of Jerusalem.
Left to right: Menashe Meirowitz, Avraham Brill, Aharon Eisenberg, Einstein, Avraham Dov Lubman-Haviv, Elsa Einstein, Rivka Abulafia, and Miriam Meirowitz
Меерович, М.Г.Описание еврейских колоний в Палестине / Сост. агр. М.Г. Меерович. - Одесса : Ком. о-ва вспомоществования евреям земледельцам и ремесленникам в Сирии и Палестине, 1900
МЕЕРОВИЧ Менаше (1860,
Николаев Херсонской губ. - 1949, Ришон ле-Цион, Израиль), общественный деятель.
Получил агрономич. образование.
В 1881 - один из создателей движения «Ховевей Цион» в
Чл. орг-ции БИЛУ.
С 1883 - в
Э.-И.Сотрудничал в еврейских периодич. изд. Европы и России на иврите, идише, рус. и нем. яз.
В 1893-94 издавал первый агрономич. журн. на иврите «Га-Икар».אִיכָּר=крестьянин
В 1903 М. - один из создателей Ассоциации виноделов Э.-И.
В 1914-18 чл. еврейского представительства при турецкой администрации; в 1918-20 чл. Ваад Леуми(«Ваад леуми» - руководящего органа евреев Эрец-Исраэль в 1920-е - 1940-е гг.).
Автор кн. по истории еврейской колонизации Э.-И., в т. ч. на рус. яз. -
«Описания еврейских колоний в Палестине» (1900).
Именем М. назван
мошав Талмей Менаше.