
Aug 08, 2006 12:01

Nikko was lots of fun. Walked lots, got some good photos and some even better memories. For the first time in many, many years I got some sun burn. Not a huge deal but on the back of my neck so my tee/shirt runbs it and that annoys me. I even used suncream over my normal method of protection which is staying out of the sun.

The hotel had wifi which was good, I had decided not to take my laptop as it was only 2 days but tried my DS for a laugh. It connected to my surprise. So, DS Opera can conect to open wifi it's just choosy. I need to test more. The router I used was a Warpstar and I don't know any for certain around here but I'll look into it. Maybe bening able to us the DS for email anywhere is not so unrelaistic afterall.

I am doing well on my yoyo collection. I only need one more and I have the set, including the secret one! All I need now is the Sprite Challenge one and I'm done. Yay!

Lone Wolf and Cub is on TV, they seem to show it alot in the mornings. The manga is better I think and not just because I can't understand the TV.

I need lunch, I feel a sushi moment coming on I think.......

L - A - S - T

01. Last Cigarette: When I was 14 or so? It was my experimental stage, nasty and tastes bad, never again
02. Last kiss: .Tthis morning.
03. Last Cry: I may have shed a little tear recently but full on crying would be maybe 2 years ago?
04. Last Library Book Checked Out: Checked out on my behalf here it was The History Of Modern Japan (Published in 1960!), back in the UK it would have been Brave New Worl or some Shakespeare, or IT related text back in college.
13. Last Shoes Worn: Clarks trainers that don't look like Clarks
15. Last Soda Drank: Melon Cream Soda Fanta.
16. Last Words Written: Kanji for person, jin. I would show you but my laptop doen't have Japaese text yet!! shock! Or if a phone counts then it would be "OK!"
17. Last Words Spoken: Itterasai!
18. Last Annoyance: sunburnt neck.
19. Last Time Scolded Someone: I don't do that really....... except with my family. I guess it would be my little brother when he did something stupid.
20. Last Web Site Visited: Before this? Gmail.

B - O - D - Y:

01. Piercings: We have enough holes already, no need for more.
02. Tattoos: Can look good for about a millisecond, then common sense kicks in and you realise how bad they really are. A real deal breaker.
03. Height: 165cm. I am a giant here!!.... almost...
04. Shoe size: Depending on the type of shoe it would be 9-10.5
05. Hair color: Brown
06. Eye color: Blue

L A S T . . .

01. Movie you rented: Matrix Revolutions, Final Fantasy: Spirits Within, Star Wars, Monster and Blazing Saddles were all rented at the same time.
03. Song you listened to: Spitz but I don't know the name of the song. If I go for the last one I know the name of then it would be Spitz again and the song is Hotaru.
04. Song that was stuck in your head: Not happened for a long time so I can't remember but it was something real bad, like Mia Hi, Mia Ha bad.
05. CD you bought: For me and not for selling, that would be a Yaida Hitomi single.... Ring My Bell I think.
06. Person that's called you: That would be my family but they called in the middle of the night so I didn't answer it. I was sleeping.
10. Person you were thinking of: It would be my family now as I just tried to think who called me last. Other than that I have been thinking of about 6 different people in different ways this morning. Mostly planning what to do for the day and how/who/when to contact various people. Or who I need to email. Very silly question.

T R U E O R F A L S E . . .

01. You have a crush on someone: False I guess. Define Crush? Unrequited? Then no. Someone I want and can't have, not any more.
02. You wish you could live somewhere else: True. London (same area but different house) or Tokyo would be fine. New York at a pinch.
03. Think about suicide: True. Everyone does don't they? I don't think of actually doing it though... well, I think of the mechanics of it and the best/most interesting way but noever actually if should or not.
04. You believe in a God: False. There is no god. I read some of the Bible a day ago, it was very boring. It is just human propaganda, how can anyone take it seriously?
05. You want more Piercings: False. Pointless and ugly.
06. You like cleaning: True.... but it has to be done.
07. You like roller coasters: True, but I have not been on one since 2003 which needs to be fixed.
08. You write in cursive: False. On a keyboard? Silly.

F O R *O R * A G A I N S T...TEENS....

01. Having sex: If done at the right time there's not too much harm. 13 is no good, 15 is still no good. I'd say compulsory chastity belts until 18. That would solve a lot of problems.
02. Teenage smoking: All smoking is bad, all teenagers are noisy. Noisy teens smoking is even worse.
03. Doing drugs: Don't care, if they are stupid enough to do it or not in control enough to be able to stop then so be it. May seem harsh but it's almost like manmade natural selection.
04. Driving drunk: Excepts drunks would anyone say yes to this?
06. Someone uses someone for their goodies: How do you harvest goodies?


01. Ever cried over the opposite sex: Yes, not too many times though thankfully.
02. Ever lied to someone: Yes, in work you have to anyway so that shouldn't count, but other than that then yes. Nothing major though. And it is only to protect/help someone.
03. Ever been in a fist fight: Not for a long time, in fact that last one would have been by the south red gravel at school when I was about 15. I don't even remember his name.
04. Ever been arrested: No, been close for petty things but have either been able to run away in time or talk my way out.


01. Who is your best friend: Best Friend is a funny term. I have really good friends, some I value more than others and they know who they are.
02. What shoes do you wear: What is it with shoes? Are you obsessed? First you ask what the last ones I wore were and then the size, now again with the shoes!
03. Are you scared of love: No, there is nothing to be afraid of. It is soft and nice and warm. Like custard.


01. Of scars on your body?: Far too many to count. I would guess at about 14 but it depends on what you label as a scar.
02. Of things in your past that you regret?: 5, could be more if I really think about it but those are the big ones.

The Opposite Sex.
1. Guitar or Drum Player: Those are not sexy instuments for a woman. how about a harp?
2. Skater or Surfer: Surfer is the best bet.
3. Brown or Blue Eyes: Dark, certainly not Blue.
4. Blonde or Brunette: Why is it always blonde or brunette? What about those poor Strawberry Blondes! Anyway, Black/Brown.
5. Brains or Looks: Brains are more important but a smattering of the alter would be nice too.

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