PC stuffs

Feb 27, 2013 22:01

Ordered some stuff for my PC.

I figured I don't have the time to mod my pc in the G5 caste properly. Which is a shame, cause it could have been really nice. But Its better to get a proper case and put everything in there so its secured properly and has sufficient cooling.

So I ordered a Fractal design 3000 case. Would had gone for the 1000 which is half of the price, but that one does't have 3.0 ports which would come in handy in the future.

I also went ahead and got me an 250GB SSD drive and a sata dvd drive.

Will receive the stuff tomorrow. Will see how it runs. I'm looking forward to try some new games again. And hopefully it the rest of the hardware is still decent enough.
Will see tomorrow I guess.


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