Yeah, I'm a little brain dead still..
I met awesome girls in the line (well sort of because there was no line XD) early morning. We chatted, fangirled and just made time go by faster.
I was behind Amy, Omg I was shaking and O.M.G XD
When I first went up, the crew member took my CD and gave it to KAZ. Mentally I was just going omg omg omg omg, while Kaz signed it i streched my hand to shake hands with Hyde he looked at me like "awww poor girl" look LOL but at the same time Kaz had already signed it and was giving it to Hyde so Hyde was like uhhh O_o handshake or autograph lol so immediatly switched over to Kaz and shook his hand ^^ For some reason I remember KAZ to perfection, his hair, his sunglases, his smile, his skin, his soft hand.. and he said thank you. So then Hyde signed my Cd handed it back to me and in this beautiful voice said "Thank you for coming" I shook his hand and said "Thank you! Omg I love you!" Hyde smiled this embarrassed kinda smile and I... I ran away LOL right into Amy XD I was like OMG OMG AMY!!!
Of course I cried a bit.
Ai kept kicking us out, but yeah right! Like we would!! Heck no! I was pretending to buy magazines lol I called Tracy a couple of times but since we had to sneak around the bookshop and try to not get kicked out I couldnt talk to her for very long..
I'm still like O_O OMG!! It happened! Afterwards when they left they walked SO CLOSE TO US!! LOL I had to fight the urge to lunge myself at Hyde! HAHA! As they were leaving I literally RAN to the stairs on the back of the bookstore and said "bye~" Hyde smile AT ME and said "Bye!" and waved at me he was SOO CUTE!!
You know what's sad though? I remember my experience with KAZ more than I remember Hyde.. like of Hyde I only remember his words, and smile... but his hand like everything just happened to fast but omg it was absolutely wonderful!
I had to leave shortly after but~ I did stop to take a picture and sit where Hyde had sat! Wish I could've sticked around longer with the girls though >_<
Still it was awesome! *hugs to all my girls!*
Btw~ Thank you Amy for conforting me after my experience LOL I know I just ran to you XD and Bebe thank you SO MUCH for letting me buy the MV10! It's awesome!!