Jan 16, 2008 17:19
I got yelled at this morning which darkened my mood for the rest of the day. Now I'm just upset. Last semester I took chemistry 113K which was offered on the Portland campus. This was a hard class (extremely difficult) for me. That being said I stayed in and around Portland a lot last semester. A LOT.
The reasons why I did this were so important to my success in this course. The most important being- the chem. tutors (bless their souls- I took full advantage of their help) were in Portland and so were study groups. I gave up my social life, with a few exceptions, for chemistry.
I didn't pass, yes you could say that I'm stupid but I've never tried so hard or put so much effort into a course, I never had to. I'm proud of myself for having the discipline (I guess you could say ignorance or stubbornness) to stay inside and read that damn chem. book or search for learning resources online. So it pisses me off when I get yelled at for being in the dorm as much- I needed to put myself where the help resources were, I needed to take full full advantage of any assistance that was being offered in order to pass this class.
I don't regret anything because I did what I had to but now that semester has ended and a new one has begun I'll be around Gorham more often.
I can have a social life again and that is really awesome.
... Taking a deep breath.
And to top it off I probably won’t get to see my best friend before she leaves for Costa Rica in a week. She's busy. So busy that she can't return my calls and say "Hey, I'm too busy."
At least I wouldn't get worried about her... but right now a five minute conversation is too much to ask for. I know I sound like that "whinny one" that over exaggerates but I was literally was told that a conversation takes at least five minutes and there wasn't any time for that. Everyone in her family and her other friends have known about this "Hey I'm going go to Costa Rica and work with children" plan since spring semester of '07, but I guess no one really took her that seriously if all of a sudden they want to spend so much time with her. And I know it’s her decision to spend time with whoever she wants but I'm hurt that I still haven't heard from her and we had our argument a week ago. I'm just bummed.
I can't help but spill my guts about what’s bothering me because I'm upset and it's really cold in the student center (no exaggeration- this room is like a wind tunnel).
Homework time