hahaha if you're sick or have allergies; you definitely wanna buy one of these..
Project Adventure was definitely interesting today; we did that thing outside where you swing from tire to wooden swing to tire to wooden swing.. until you got to the other side. Everyone grabbed onto the wires, cut their hands open, then grabbed onto the ropes.. there was BLOOD on the ropes. If one single person in our class has aids; we're all fucked.
The other day at lunch, Dan was wearing a really cool shirt that said "MMMMMMMMMMMM. PIE" on the front and said "when come back bring pie" on the back. I was like "I want your shirt." so he took it off and gave it to me.. he wasn't wearing an undershirt.. so I gave him my lacrosse jacket. We switched back at the end of the day.. but that shirt was really cool. I think it's from some internet animation, like homestarrunner..?
Oops, Jerry's a flaming liberal O)
History field trip was gay.. we sat and listened to Santa Claus lecture about Thomas Jefferson's shopping habits. But that's okay because when we got back, I had two lunch periods O) and blue jello O)
I'm quitting lacrosse and joining SDA next year.. stop yelling at me, I'm doing it. <3<3