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Feb 04, 2010 17:20

Wooo, I am off work today!

Listening to too many Arashi songs today! Top five Arashi songs:

1) Aozora Pedal
It always surprises me whenever this song comes on, because it is so unlike all their other songs. Arashi usually does upbeat, fun songs (cue Happiness, Hadashi no Mirai), random rap / tough / cool songs (cue Jidai, Cool and soul, Truth), and sweet slow songs (Caramel song, still...) but not really anything with quite that nostalgia vibe I get with Aozora Pedal. despite the fact that the movie of Honey and Clover was, well, quite bad, the song stands out. MV - lovely. Making of MV - lovely! It is written and orchestrated by suga shikao, who did a lot of the Honey and Clover music in the anime - might be why I like it so much, as I like his style :)

2) sakura sake
A Classic! and just about everyone's favourite. It is so upbeat and promotes a good message. It's a great song in concerts too. The MV - hilarious! I think I'm so attached to this song because it's the first MV of Arashi that made me laugh out loud; it's part of the first ever concert I watched (the One concert!); it reminds me to look forward :) I love it!

3) Love so sweet
Another Classic! I think the reason I like this song is the association with Hana Yori dango. I mean, every single time I watched an episode I would listen to this song and sing along (I would never skip it either... I would mean to, but the opening is really cute. man). It is literally burnt into my head. I CAN sing to it, because the lyrics I know off by heart; it was my bait into the fandom and crazy that is Arashi. It's instantly recognisable, kooky, and filled with good memories :)

4) 5x10
10th anniversary, anyone? Just listening to it... it is a song where they thank eachother and all who have supported them throughout the years. I actually like it a lot more than sketch, because it's a lot more catchy :P It's filled with emotion, it's genuine and heartfelt, it's reminiscent of the long journey they've taken over 10 years - all the joy and exhiliration, all the pain, frustration and tears we, as fans, could only sometimes see and mostly guess at.

5) Truth
I thought long and hard about this one, but I think it does come into my top five. First, it is a good song! I think it represents a turn towards a more mature audience / outlook. second, Ohno :) a lot of Ohno. Makes me a bit biased, really. Thirdly, Maou <3.

Honourable mentions: Yes?No? I LOVE this song; A.R.A.s.H.I being their very first; Kansha also for my genuine love for it!

On another note, saw a really interesting 'secret' at the je_secrets comm, here. It's the sixth secret :) Basically, theory is that your favourite JE idol you have reflects your personality - like attracted to like.

Aiba - sweet, content with stepping back and letting others take the limelight if it means said others will be happy, generally very warm people but tend to be plagued with self-esteem issues (which they're pretty good at hiding)
Matsujun - kind of crazy but are generally able to laugh at themselves (ofttimes to the point of self-deprecation as long as it provides a laugh), desperately want to be loved/admired/fit in
Nino - like to put on a tough front and then emo in their own little corner of the world, can sometimes come off as know-it-alls or assholes, but will love on you almost unconditionally once you earn their trusts (and believe me, you have to earn it.)
Ohno - generally pretty low-key and chill, but can sometimes come off as cold or uncaring because of this; however, when they do have opinions, they're stalwart in defending them
Sho - have a bad habit of coming off as arrogant or snooty when in reality they're just not that great at conveying their emotions properly, generally very well educated but somehow still spacy, like butting into others' affairs/want to be involved in the fun

There's analysis for News, Kinki Kids, Kanjani too :)

Honestly? Probably wishful thinking on this fan's part. I would LOVE to be low key and chill, like Ohno, but I can't really honestly say I am. Teensy bit like Nino though (not actually a good thing! hahahaha)

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