A) My beloved
storyfootprints gave me the letter D for this meme, because she's thoughtful like that!
- Comment on this post, and ask me to give you a letter.
- Think of 5 fictional characters beginning with that letter, and post their names and your comments on these characters in your LJ.
1) Daniel Faraday (LOST)
"The light... it's strange out here, isn't it? It's kind of like, it doesn't, it doesn't scatter quite right. "
Honestly, though, what can I say about Daniel Faraday? Look at him! Just look at him! I thought I couldn't possibly love LOST any more than I did at the end of Season Three. Then Daniel Faraday appeared in the jungle in 4x01, all dripping wet and forgetful and my passion for LOST got turned up all the way to 11. Beeps and boops! I love that he said beeps and boops. Oh my
Daniel Faraday action figure when will you arrive? If you've never watched LOST, you can see how adorkable Dan is in the clip below. Around the 40 second mark he almost bumps into a tree branch. It's just all too much for me... <3.
Click to view
2) Desmond Hume (LOST)
"So we saved the world together for a while, and that was lovely."
Oh Desmond, ILU. You're so noble and proud and you believe in True Love. *sigh* I always think Desmond is very much like Faramir and Remus in some ways, he certainly knows the old 'too old, too poor, too dangerous' speech off by heart ;). Like most of my favourite characters, he's caused his own misery (to some degree) by a need to prove himself, his pride and self-pity are his downfall (I love this in a character!). But he's strong, kind, courageous and willing to fight against all the odds for the thing he believes in, even though he's suffered unimaginably. As soon as I saw him, drunk, in his pants, with a gun, I knew it was love.
3) Dick Winters (Band of Brothers)
"We're paratroopers, Lieutenant. We're supposed to be surrounded. "
Oh Dick, even though you stand in the shadow of the glory that is Lewis Nixon, you're still pretty damn awesome. Really, what an
amazing man. I feel bad that I kind of neglect him when I think of my favourite BoB characters, I guess it's because he's 'the hero' (and a real one at that!) and I never generally like that character type (Harry Potter, Jack Shephard, Seth Bullock - ick)! Yet I'm such a huge Nixon/Winters fan! I defy anyone to watch Band of Brothers and fail to notice the unbelievable amount of romantic gestures, glances and comments between them (and by 'them' I mean the fictional portrayals of Winters and Nixon, no offence to the real men). Even my mum said 'is there something going on between those two?' during the first few episodes, God help her if she got further through it! So, in short, I do love you, Dick, I'm sorry I overlook you sometimes, you're an amazing character.
4) Draco Malfoy (Harry Potter)
"You'd better hurry up, they'll be waiting for 'the Chosen Captain'-- 'The Boy Who Scored'-- whatever they call you these days."
Oh, Draco, provider of the lulz! I've always liked Draco, but even more so during the last two books, it was cool to see another side of him. I love the idea of him going all out to impress Voldemort! I must admit I'm not a huge fan of Harry (see answer 4), when I was a kid I always liked the grumpy, cowardly, sarcastic characters...and I guess Draco fits perfectly. In fact, I like all the Malfoys, this may be purely down to
Makani's fantastic characterisation in her artwork.
5) Doc Cochran (Deadwood)
"I told her not to worry about your moods, that you generate those yourself and then think of the excuses for having them."
Oh, I love the Doc, so much! Yes, yes, I know he has a similar hero complex to Jack Shephard, but Doc Cochran's manifests itself in such a charming way! I love how he prayed for reverend Smith, even though he wasn't religious and the way he got Al through his illness...even though his poor hands were shaking ;__;. I love his friendship with Jane, they're so cute together. Still haven't seen S3, so please don't spoil me! As a side note, whenever we played LotR: Trivial Pursuit we always laughed about Brad Dourif, because he seemed to be the answer to every one of the brown making movies questions we got! One of the answers was even 'Brad Dourif's wife.' Haha! We didn't even know who he was in LotR at the time, let alone realise that he was our beloved Doc. Sorry, Brad, for laughing :-\.
If you want a letter, let me know in the comments!
B) I am addicted to knitting, I haven't done it in ages and now it's all I can think about! Just a few more rows! I've come a long way in the past two days, I think :D, I've learned how to increase and decrease and cast on and off. I need to learn to crochet, but it's something I've never done. Just look at this:
Picture from google, alas I didn't make them.
I need to make them!
Amigurumi is my new favourite word. There are a few knitted patterns out there, but they don't seem as cute. Oh, and here's a very bad quality picture of the Zelda cushion I made. I was in a rush and only had my phone...
C) I heard an owl last night! I've never heard one here at home before! :D :D :D.
tundraeternal, there will be a picture of Mordecai in the next post, I promise ;).