I'm getting so jittery about the LOST finale. SO JITTERY! I'm seeing spoilers all over the place, but I've only been caught out by a few minor ones...I don't know for certain who's in the coffin or anything major, so that's a relief. It's all too much! I had to keep pausing 4x12 because I was getting too stressed! Haha. I think I made about five cups of tea during that episode. So, seeing as I never posted about it, here are my brief thoughts on 4x12...a recap if you will!
Despite having watched this show since the pilot aired in the UK, I'm always surprised to find I'm capable of hating Jack more and more as each season passes...and I disliked him pretty vehemently from the off. His hero complex and constant need to be in control just bug the hell out of me. He's Harry Potter. He's Seth Bullock. He's...a complete ass wipe. I know that heroicism comes with a price, but Dick Winters from Band of Brothers is the perfect example of how to be an inspirational leader without egotism and loss of control. Props to you, Dick! I realise the Oceanic 6 were completely de-moralised on the plane home and I'm sure Jack is just doing his best to protect everyone, but still...ARGH! When he spoke for everyone I could've thrown something at the TV. I dread to think what went on before they got on the plane - they look so crestfallen. Eiiii!
Dan being a hero almost made me cry. Especially coupled with the look that Charlotte gave him as he sailed away, and the little wave he shot back at her (and the wave between him and Desmond was adorable)! Oh my! ♥! I'm so worried for him, he looked so vulnerable sailing off back to The Island. Remember, Dan - You are not Rambo, you are a Physicist! D:
So...for a moment there I was sure Jin wasn't dead. When Jack shot a look at Sun during the press conference, as if forcing her WITH HIS MIND to keep the story "they'd" agreed on...but then when she was speaking to her father and saying that he was one of the people to blame for Jin's death I was confused again. I don't know. He's dead to her if he's still on the island, I suppose. I hope Jack is the other person to blame. Hee hee.
I honestly thought Hurley's parents had been murdered. I didn't even hear the "gunshots" but Jim made me rewind a few seconds and OMG! I guess it was just the car backfiring.
Hurley/Locke/Ben continues as my OT3, hahaha, I love their constant bickering.
Dude, the amount of explosive on the freighter was excessive.
I'm going to have to try and download the episode on Friday. I wish I could join in with you guys ;__; straight away. You can have Doctor Who! Take it! Just let me have my LOST on time. And please, please let Dan, Des, Charlotte, Sawyer and Juliet be safe. PLEASE!
On a less frantic note: I know there are a few gamers on my flist, so, has anyone played
Eternal Sonata / Trusty Bell? Oh gosh, I'm so in love with it! And once again I am fangirling a video game character. Oh Frederick Chopin you and your dandy little costume are completely made of love ♥. You know what, if you have played the game, it's the (Japanese) speeches he gives before performing the special moves that kills me...especially the "sacred signature!" one *melts*.
We just tried the two player co-op tonight, it was so much fun! We're going to try three player at the weekend but I just know the boys will both want to play him ;__;, I don't stand a chance...this makes me ridiculously sad. I'm currently trying to hunt down a Chopin faceplate for my 360, apparently they came free (well, in a range of 5 different characters) in the US if you pre-ordered the game. Woe!
I'm really sorry Angelo from
Dragon Quest VIII, our love has come to an end. It was beautiful while it lasted...
...Shake it all about.
Oh, and I'll pimp my gamertag again seeing as I have some new friends :-). I'm
Lone Concertina on XboxLive. Add me? It's a lonely life!