Best. News. Ever.

May 20, 2008 20:29

Three things:

1) THIS is quite possibly the best news ever. Good riddence Goodbye RTD! I'd like to say I'll miss you but...

2) I went to the dentist yesterday after having a problem with a filling for over a month. I'd utterly convinced myself I needed root canal on it and there were some rather un-Gryffindor tears on Sunday night. In the end all she did was file it down and put on some magical coating. Pain free! So, the moral of this tale is do not Google your symptoms, guys. Dr Google wasn't classically trained!

3) And most importantly -- oh my gosh, you guys! YOU GUYS! lady_boromir wrote a gorgeous Dan/Charlotte fic and dedicated it to me. I'm so happy :D. Thanks again lady_boromir.

doctor who, fanfic recs, dentist, presents!, dan/charlotte

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