Title: The Constant
Characters: Daniel Faraday
Rating: G
Warnings: Spoilers for LOST 4x05. Slight slashy implications! But really, we all know its Des/Penny FTW!
Medium: Wacom tablet and Photoshop 7/Open Canvas 4.5e
Notes: Physics brush by
I drew this for
slightlytookish and
sopdetly, because they are made of awesome.
So, I'm a massive Desmond/Penny fangirl, but it really was just too cute that Daniel chose Desmond as his Constant. A few days after the episode I thought "ohmygosh, hang on, Daniel said your Constant had to be something you really cared about!" (I know, I know, it was the science that Daniel cared about and Desmond represented a breakthrough in his experiment, but still...♥!)
Ooh, also, I'd love to have a few more LOST fans on my flist. So if you'd like to be my Constant and we have other stuff in common besides, then please feel free to add me!