I'd offer you some hollow "apologies for all the ASoIaF/Game of Thrones posts" line, but we'd both know I didn't mean it. And I love you to much to lie to you.
I am adopting
slightlytookish's spoiler policy. As far as plot lines go, I won't mention anything outside of the aired episodes, seeing as I know a lot of my friends are either halfway through the series, or not reading at all (whyyy?). Super happy to discuss other stuff in comments, but if you could please put a spoiler warning in the title. That would be grand!
I haven't been this excited about anything since...well, ever. I mean I was excited to queue for Deathly Hallows, but that involved costumes, so...y'know. This was just me, sat in a chair, eating strawberries and drinking mead.
I had goosebumps, you guys, goosebumps. I could feel fangirl noises rising in my throat for about thirty minutes beforehand. Haha. And I nearly exploded when I saw the credits.
- Bran! Bran is probably the only character to end up looking exactly like he does in my head. So strange! I just want to scoop him up, he is adorable.
- Arya, you managed to encapsulate all my feelings about you in that smug little curtsey. They are not positive feelings. Unpopular opinion, I know, but I am willing to die for these beliefs.
- I wasn't too sure about Sean Bean when I read about the casting, because he just didn't look like the Ned-In-My-Head (heh), but he pulled it off beautifully! I was worried about Alfie Allen as Theon too (I'm a shameless Theon fangirl), but he looks a little more right for the part than I realised. He has that evil smirk. I guess I just saw him as being more handsome. >_>
- Wow, they're really cramming in the "Tyrion Loves Whores" thing, aren't they? O.O I liked his interaction with Jaime though! That was nice to see.
- I really liked the Targaryens. I was worried that their wigs would be distracting, but they look better than they did in the promo shots. Viserys is brilliant. I've never been a huge fan of Dany, I generally sigh when I get to her chapters, in fact, Ser Jorah was the only thing that kept me awake most of the time. However, I think she's sympathetic and well cast. And the look she gave Jorah, OMG, I remember why I shipped them. Yeah, that "wedding night" sequence was a little alarming O.O I'm not sure there's any going back from that and it's going to take a lot for the audience to warm to Drogo now.
- Oh Jaime! Jaime, Jaime, Jaime ♥. Nikolaj is just spot on (even if his sexy accent did keep on slipping though). He's got just the right level of charm and arrogance. AND OH GOD HE IS BEAUTIFUL. When he arrived in Winterfell and took his helmet off...and then shook out his hair? I may have died a little.
- LOL, Sandor, WTF is going on with your hair? XD Oh man, as soon as he rode into Winterfell I was fangirling pretty hard. Jiggling helmet and all. When he lifted his visor I was all asdkdlkdjaldjald. I keep seeing comments about his (lack of) scars. Eh. Doesn't bother me. As blasphemous as it sounds, I always thought GRRM's descriptions were a little far fetched. Visible bone? O.O Is that even possible,
forest_rose? If they've aged :-/ sexed him up, it's fine by me. I wasn't expecting him to get a line, so when he spoke to Tyrion I think I rose about three feet off my chair. I couldn't really hear anything over the sound of my uterus, so I'll have to pay special attention when I watch again on Saturday.
When did I become this ridiculous caricature of a fangirl? Seriously. I am ashamed of myself. :-/
ETA: I've had this window open for two days, trying to come up with something intelligent to say. I have nothing. Next week I shall write and doodle whilst I watch the show. Maybe.
ETA 2: Some unmarked spoilers in comments, alas! Read at your own risk!