Thank God I'm better :)

Sep 30, 2007 16:04

Well...its been a week of ups and downs...mostly due to being sick. Finally...FINALLY!! I am over it. Actually, it was pretty funny. I took Thursday off of work because I had been so sick with the bug...I slept in, and *voila!* I was all better!! So instead of nursing my head, and blowing my nose, I had a fabulous window-shopping-filled day with Megan - complete with all of my favorite stops (Chinatown's crazy grocery stores, Chintz, and Oscar and Libby). Later that night we nestled down and watched Survivor and Grey's Anatomy over cups of tea, and a bowl of steaming vegetarian chilli.

On Friday, Eric and I finally had a Dani-and-Eric Date Night (which was fab!). We had dinner at the Tapas Bar, and went to see "Across the Universe". (Named after one of my favorite Lennon/Beatles' songs.) It was really good! Then we went home for a glass of port and to watch the season premier of the "Office", which we had taped the night before. *SOOOOOOO GOOOD!!*

And finally, sniffle-free, yesterday Megan and I had another typical Megan-and-Dani shopping fiesta. We headed to Langford to awesome Costco times, then to Home Outfitters, and finally to The Market on Millstream. Our Mission: buy fixings for making Spanakopita. And that is just what we did! We made a steaming pile of spanakopita filling, and made a huge double batch of the stuff! (It was so nice to have a buddy to cook with!! I absolutely loved it, as it really reminded me of all the fun we used to have creating all sorts of recipes when we lived at George's house.)
MMMmmmmm... Then, over white wine, we watched "Adventures in Babysitting" (which I had never seen)! It was so funny...and I really cannot believe that I had never EVER seen it before. That whole night has inspired me to perhaps create a tradition of watching old 80s flicks on rainy Saturday Nights. Sixteen Candles? Breakfast Club? Three Men and a Baby? Hell yes!

megan, across the universe, spanakopita, window shopping

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