weird post

Mar 29, 2006 17:44

ha ha... here is a weird post from one of the art teachers groups that I am a member of through livejournal. Her subject header was: the kids are starting to warm up to me...maybe a bit too much..."

(copied from her journal)
Student: "Miss Jackie? I really need to tell you something. I'm really having a problem."
Me: "Ok, what is it? What's going on?"
Student: "Well, I really need to lose my virginity, I can't handle it anymore."
Me: "No, no, no. You don't need to be doing that. You wait as long as you can. You shouldn't be telling me this anyway."
Student: "But I do. My hands are really hurting me!"

bahhahahaha! That is the worst! Almost as bad as the story that I heard from Sherry (other art teacher) of one of her student teachers telling a CAPP class that the best was to release pressur and stress is to masturbate...and that all the students should go home and masturbate!! Can you imagine!!?? Especially in church-ie abbotsford?! bahahaha
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