My Big Embarrassing List of Final Fantasy Pairings

Sep 30, 2005 17:06

Tami did it, and I have no shame!

Keep in mind that these aren't the only pairings I am cool with in all's-right-with-the-world, just the ones I am sufficiently interested in to write about myself, and/or definitely dig out fic for. HURRAH!


Cecil/Rosa - This is like perennial white mage healing his cold, dark heart.
Rydia/Edge - He is excited that she equips whips. Don't think he's not.

but what I like more is terrifyingly
Rydia/Cecil - There is a special place in hell for me, I know. Too bad all you suckers in heaven are going to miss out on the best fanfiction!
Rosa/Kain - Poor Kain. He needs loves more than Cecil. Cecil can go get underaged hugs from Rydia, hurrah! I have solved all my fandom dilemmas.

Leviathan/Ashura - I should write fanfiction about them. OH WAIT, I DO.


Terra/Locke - It is the one truth. Celes is too horrible and wretched when she gets near Locke. She's fine the rest of the time. She can, um. Go be with Setzer! Or Edgar and Sabin. Something. JUST AWAY FROM LOCKE.
Terra/Leo - Maybe if he wasn't dead. Aerith told me that's sometimes a problem with pairings like these!


Cloud/Aerith - Like you couldn't guess this one. Come on, people. Also I am with Tami and think Aerith is like St. Jesus Queen of Heaven. That makes everything better.
Yuffie/Vincent - Nothing touched the pistol but the devil's right hand. Yuffie is retarded, Vincent is depressed and retarded. This is a A-One combination in my book!
Tifa/Barrett - Blame Tami. I had never thought of it BUT NOW I THINK IT IS COMPLETELY CHARMING.


Ramza/Ovelia - This is my secret OTP forever. I am sadly aware that if I want good fanfiction for it, I'm going to have to write it myself. I AM STILL CLAIMING SHE'S NOT DEAD. OMG LEAVE ME ALONE XD
Cloud/Aerith - Yeah. Step away, kids.


Squall/Rinoa - Whatever. Squall is retarded and Rinoa is Evita! THERE ARE FEW THINGS BETTER.
Irvine/Selphie - For me this is like twelve year old Sams x similarly aged Gabriel XD. THEY ARE GREAT.
Seifer/Fujin - Again, Tams sold me on Maiden Eyepatch and her Crazy Insecure Boyfriend.


Freya/Amarant - This is what brought my true love and I together! OF COURSE IT TOPS THE LIST.
Eiko/Vivi - And this one is what REALLY brought us together XDXD. Over horrible scribbled fanart XD.
Lani/Dr. Tot - BEST PAIRING EVER NINE TIMES. I would read about their extended adventures!!!!


Everybody likes Tidus/Yuna, so I'm not listing it XD.

Auron/Rikku - I made god with my own two hands ma. Aren't you proud?
Wakka/Lulu - My other very favorite.
Maybe also Rin/Rikku


Paine/Gippal/Baralai/Nooj - OT4!!!1


Aerith/Cloud - So yeah, maybe I mentioned this one before! Oh Cloud. Some of your screws are just entirely too loose! Put on this sweater I made for you honey!
Yuffie/Squall - ONLY WHEN TAMI WRITES IT, and then only because the backstory she gives me is so DEEPLY DEPRESSING.

I have written more than half of the next chapter of Shape. I think I will have to SIT ON IT just so everyone won't get spoiled XD. OMG I NEED MY ICONS. Bryan hurry up and renew my account XD.
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