Feb 12, 2005 21:31
Yeah so the past two days I have spent at Jiminy. Last night I got there like 4 30, 5 or someting and a couple kids that I coach wanted me to ski with them, so I did. Later though I meet up with Alyssa and Audrey. We skied for a bit an dthen we met up with John and we skied with him most of the night.
Today I had to work at 10 and got done like 1 30. From there I went to the snowmobile shop with my dad and we spent practically all day there. We did some gorcery shoping for my mom and then we came home. Alyssa i got you message when I got home at like 7. I'm so sorry !!!! I would have gone skiing if i had gotten the message earlier. I will try to go tomarrow but im not promising anything.
Right now i am watching the Bud shhot out! GOO EARNHART JR. !!!!!!!!!! WHOOOOOOOO!!!!!
I can't wait for vacation! I am going so ski and work so much! I love it.
Well got to get back to the race. TTY <3