rock 'n' roll mc donalds, rock 'n' roll mc dooonalds

Mar 14, 2005 07:59

once upon a time there was this boy that worked at this place that sucked his fucking anus dry, until one day he was blessed with a golden opportunity. it was this point when he thought to himself, if you had one chance, one shot to seize everything you ever wanted, would you capture it, or just let it slip. YOU GOTTA LOOSE YOURSELF. so he took this golden opportunity. this special opportunity bestowed upon our young hero was to release a burst of methane gas from his happy, virgin, hetero anus in the face of his evil, mortal enemy, a decorator of the realm of art van. in seizing this opportunity our brave warrior was victorious and praised by the guest porters that hide in the shadows of the warehouse.

ok enough of that. so i farted in the bitches face. woopidie dooo. no way it was fuckin sweet. i hope i get another chance like that this week when i eat me some chili. i guess thats really about all i have to talk about for now.
maybe later i will give a quick update on what has been going on lately.

o yeah i watched supersize me today. michigan is the 3rd fattest state and detroit is the fattest city. so to all who can here me STOP EATING FUCKIN FAST FOOD. man that shit fucks people up. everyone should watch that movie, especially if they are fat.

ok thats it. so the lesson for the day: if you get the chance to fart in some assholes face, most definently take it. you will not regret it, even if they know you did and you get cought. also dont eat fast food unless you want to DIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!
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