Aug 06, 2005 01:04
A break. Haven’t been called by a certain some one for a week and two days. I think you noe who you are. And I would say that’s a perfect amount of time to start bitching.
Im going aviator crazy I just got paid and I really don’t care that im buying them form a convenience store there hot and there cheep and im buying them lol.
As much as you talk about the way the world is you sometimes act towards your words, sometimes I noe that I say things and mistakenly go against what I said. Everyone does it. But I just had to say if people are really who they say they are then why such a sudden misunderstanding or gap of understanding of really who they are, you shouldn’t have to sit and think about your true and loyal friends should you. Should you think twice about them I don’t think so. I hope not. I haven’t seen my best friend in over a week. Haven’t seen her bf in almost a month and what was a sudden routine to what I thought was really cool suddenly stopped. I loved going down town and having to be with my friends. why did that have to stop? Not even a call.
“A call out”