Jul 15, 2005 19:21
I can’t understand people, really I cant why do people have to change so drastically. Im walking down a street, and I see two people in love alright in love. Now what exactly is that anyways. It was cute to see, only because it shows that we still have that in our world today? Anyways im walking and im right behind them there walking holding hands laughing at each other’s jokes enjoying the time being spent. Feeling so happy for them. Then I see myself. Strange. I see myself walking beside me so unhappy and wanting that so much. I can feel the fucked up butterflies in my stomach. Lol well that’s what it felt like. Im walking wanting to hold the hand of my true like. Ha aww!!! Cute how I cant say love. Wanting to hold, kiss, touch be with soo badly. Alright. Okay now for the extreme what do you do when you wake up and realize that it’s a dream but for some reason you feel that it just happened to you. I mean waking up is one thing, but with the fucked up butterflies …. Yea. Funny dream wasn’t it.