Aug 17, 2004 11:34
*What time is it: 11:16 AM
*Todays Date: 8.17
*Full Name: aLexandra louise brown
*Gender: female..
*Birthday: 11-25
*Siblings:cristian micheal and brianna gabrielle
*Parents: glen..we don't speak of..and juana-enough said.
*Nieces: nope
*Nefews: not for a while
*School: elhs
*School colors: maroon and white
*Car: welli want a yukon denali XL carbon metallic..interior is sandstone.
*Car color: carbon metallic.
*Eye color: brown
*Hair Color: brown
*Hair Length: a little past my shoulders
*WEight: 118 last i checked
*Height: 5'5"
*Skin(pale white,tan,dark,black): tan
*what are you wearing as of now: sweat shorts and mayer tee shirt
*Are you wearing make-up? nope
*Did you take a shower today? yep
*Pets(names,kind):buttflap- my fishy
*What are you drinking right now? nothing
*Do you smoke? sometimes
*Do you have a car, or is it your parents? no..not yet
*Are you listening to music? Yep.
*If so, what song, and who is it by? break away by kelly clarkson
*What are your screen names? aLi Loo 322 , a1ex311, crazychica9654
*Crush: yeah.
*Are you a virgin?
*How far have you been with a guy/girl? furthest..*
*How far would you go just to be with the person you crushed? as far as i could!
*Are you a little devil, or a sweet little innocent ANGEL? an innocent angeL..obviously
*WHo's your best friends? tayLor, Kayleen, christine and chris
*Why is she/he your best friend? because they can be.
*What's your perfect dream date like? a ride in the "BIG JIT"
*Who would it be with? Dante Culpepper
*where would you go? to idaho
*What kind of music do you listen to? honestly i like everything
*************YES OR............NO*****************
*Shy: can be
*Outgoing: yeP
*Ugly: wouldn't doubt it
*Pretty: in pink
*Beautiful: everyone of god's children is beautiful.
*Loveable: of course.
*Sensitive: depends in the topic
*Nerdy: yes!
*Geek: even better!
*playa: me?!
*Playa hata: yes.
*Tall: nope :-(
*Short: tall people would say so
*Only Child: now i am!
*Cheated on a test: i would never.
*Did someone else's homework: yeah and got in trouble for it.
*let somone act like you on the phone: haha tay and kayleen plenty of times.
*Split up a relationship: yes
*Drove a car: yea
*Road a roller coaster: :-\ yes..
*Chickened out on a roller Coaster: i couldn't..
*Went to a concert: yes..8/15/04 rocked!
*Went to the beach: no never..umm i live on the shoreline..
*Been to an Ocean: yeah..i miss bermudas ocean!
*Called your boyfriend a jerk: haha yeah and worse..sorry buddy
*Made fun of your best friend: oh all the time..not seriously
*Kissed someone: yeha
*Color: pink
*Flower: roses..i guess
*Car: yukon denali
*Drink: uPtowNs*
*Day: friday..
*Song: i'll be - edwin mcCain
*person: charlize theron
*Star: Dante Culpepper
*Actor: James Lafferty
*Actress: jessica aLba
*Movie: goonies..!
*Singer(s): mariah carey
*Rapper(s): kanye west
*TV Show: o.C, one tree hill and law and order
*friend at school: probably KAT! haha love ya katie
*Animal(s): coW*
*School(elementry,Jr High,Highschool): high a million
*Boy Name(s): devon..patrick..brayden and more
*Girl Name(s): jordan nicoLe*