Oct 15, 2006 20:27
soooo ok its time for another update...our football team is not doing so hot at all this year, i feel bad for them...its not their fault really, but then again...idk....we lost again friday night 57-0, maybe i'll just stop going to the football games. lol, no i wont i love going to football games, they're soo much fun, even if we do lose. Not only am i still sick, but everone except for my brother is sick now, its pretty bad. i feel horrible, but it comes and goes, i wonder if i'll ever get better...probably not, knowing my luck.
Yesterday i went to kaylas, that was alot of fun, ariel and aurora went too, we watched the grudge and wolf creek, and i was sooo dissappointed in wolfe creek, the begining of the movie was sooo long, it took forever to actually get the the killings and the climax of the movie, but once it did it got good, it wasn't that bad, it just could have had a better beginning. And it was not scary...not at all. there were a few gory parts, but thats about it.
I scored this guys number last night, i dont know much about him, he sounded pretty hot, and he wants me to call him, i just dont know if i am or not...im not sure if i want to meet anyone else right now, i've got alot of good stuff going on right now...and if i meet a guy...god knows what stupid stuff i'll end up doing...theres 2 guys that i'm like crazy about...and nothing is happening with either of them...one likes me, and one liked me last year, i dont know how he feels about me now, we havent talked in a while..and that sucks.
The PSATS are wednesday...i really need to study for those...i think i'll go do that now, and of course finish up the homework that my crackhead teachers decided to give me over the weekend, i'll update again soon if i remember to, lol!!