boredom strikes

Apr 21, 2005 20:02

I got bored and these surveys are kinda long so bare with me

Number of times I have been in love: Well I've been in 4 "serious" relationships in my young life, and with each one my perception of love differs, but for simplicity I will say 4 times
Number of times I have had my heart broken: too many
Number of hearts I have broken: One for sure, maybe two
Number of boys I have kissed in my life: I'm gonna go with 10
Number of girls I have kissed: 1
Number of continents I have visited: two including this one
Number of drugs taken illegally: 3 if alcohol is included
Number of people I would classify as true, could trust with my life type friends: two
Number of people from high school that I stayed in contact with: currently in highschool, so all of them
Number of cd's that I own: shit I don't know, not alot
Number of piercings: 3 in each ear (including cartilage) and my belly button
Number of tattoos: 0
Number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper: not enough
Number of scars on my body: too many
Number of people that has made me scared of what they could do to me physically: 1
Number of things in my past that I regret: quite a few, although i don't like to do things that i will later regret

I see: a filthy room that was just clean...
I need: love. food. and my mommy
I find: that i need a break
I want: everything. but currently more than ever; a car
I have: a good life
I wish: we were rich, summer was here, and that i had a car
I love: love. music. happiness and Logan.
I hate: dishonesty. disrespect. being alone.
I miss: my mom
I fear: not succeeding and [my] divorce
I feel: alone. tired, hungry. and overworked
I hear: the computer buzzing
I smell: my funk.
I crave: satisfaction
I search: for the easy way
I wonder: When I will get married, what my kids will look like
I regret: being a procrastinater

When was the last time you ...

Smiled?: this afternoon
Laughed?: yesterday
Cried?: this afternoon
Bought something?: Earlier today i went grocery shopping
Danced?: hm... 8th grade prom
Were sarcastic?:yesterday?
Kissed someone?: yesterday
Talked to an ex?: yesterday, he called me
Watched your favorite movie?: unsure.
Had a nightmare?: last night...

A Last time for everything ...

Last book you read: To kill a mocking bird
Last movie you saw: Meet the Fockers
Last song you heard: We belong together.
Last thing you had to drink: Ice tea
Last time you showered: uhh... day before yesterday? gross i kno.
Last thing you ate: chips and cereal

Do You ...

Smoke?: no.
Do drugs?: Nope, I haven't smoked for like a year and a half ;)
Sleep with stuffed animals?: sometimes
Live in the moment?: not really
Have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: yes.
Have a dream that keeps coming back?: not really
Play an instrument?: I wish
Believe there is life on other planets?: no
Remember your first love?: of course.
Still love him/her?: hmm... no, but no hard feelings
Read the newspaper?: not really
Have any gay or lesbian friends?: not that I kno of.
Believe in miracles?: Of course
Believe it's possible to remain faithful forever?: yes.
Consider yourself tolerant of others?: For the most part although sometimes I can be irritable
Consider love a mistake?: never, a risk u must take, but never a mistake
Like the taste of alcohol?: oh my... yes. I admit it is good
Have a favorite candy?: not really. twix maybe
Believe in astrology?: i find it very interesting
Believe in magic?: not really
Believe in God?: Yes
Pray?: yes
Go to church?: not often enough.
Have any secrets?: many
Have any pets: a dog.
Do well in school?: I try
Go to or plan to go to college?: absolutely.
Have a major?: will be psychology
Talk to strangers who instant message you?: sometimes, but I dont spend alot of time online.
Wear hats?: nope.
Have any piercings?: yes.
Have any tattoos?: no.
Hate yourself?: Not really.
Have an obsession?: sure, with my future car
Have a secret crush?: of course
Do they know yet?: no
Collect anything?: dust.
Have a best friend?: yes,.. not a super close best friend but yes
Wish on stars?: all the time.
Like your handwriting?: when i try to right nice, yes
Have any bad habits?: yes, I'm super lazy.
Care about looks?: Of course, but at times, I just don't care
Boy/girlfriend's looks?: He generally looks good on his own
Friends and other people?: My friends are good looking people.
Believe in witches?: no
Believe in Satan?: sure.
Believe in ghosts?: yea i think so..

And thats it ladies... i must get back to homework,
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