Jan 17, 2006 13:12
ohhhh~~ black and orange.
I need to find a good mp3 of Jay Chou's "Tornado". I can't find it anywhere and it's pissing me off. But I guess the plus side is I found a bunch of k-pop songs. Now I should look for cute anime music! and J-pop/rock. -sigh- I need money. I almost lost my credit card the other day...not that it matters. It's not like I can really use it =_____=;;; mleh.
Soo...yeah. I've been bleeding a lot. I gave myself a paper cut on my lip [don't ask..please] and it keeps bleeding. My mom bought this gay chapstick...Burt's Bees. They stuff just rips my lip up >
Hmm..what else? Nothing much is going on besides midterms...I've really been stressing a lot today. Haha...yeah. Just today. Coz it never really sunk in that midterms were this week. The whole weekend I was just like "Yeah. Midterms. Whatever..*read some romance novel*" But I think I did pretty well today. Lit and Chem. Piece of Candy. Or pie or cake or whatever.
Errr...I was going to say something...oh yeah. I saw Aaron in the hall today and ran for it. I swear that kid is going to be the death of me. He is really abusive. Just because I'm not as smart as math as him and I'm a year younger really doesn't give him the right to fling bottle caps and soda tabs at me. And it also doesn't give him the right to take lunch trays and jab me in the back. That kid's gonna be a serial killer one day. And I'm going to be his first victim. I swear!
Okay..no more. I feel pain just thinking about it. I'm hungry. I go eat now~