Aug 02, 2008 08:33
mmm that last entry...i think i was a bit pissed off! good first rant i think :)
It's Saturday morning and I have been awake since 5:00am. Snow's kids are early birds! mine sleep in till at least 6:30am.
So both boys are at work trying to fix snow's car. And I have 4 children ripping my house apart! Leilani is 5, Hunta and Harry are 3 (only 2 months apart to the day) and Indiana is 20 months.
I'm in an i really don't care mood. Rip the house to pieces ..... Just DON"T break anything. You gotta let kids be kids i say. I think i will take them outside soon. My neighbours work night shift, so I keep the kids inside in the mornings so we don't piss them off. I'm a nice neighbour :)