Day 42: Weigh-in Seven!

Oct 22, 2007 13:32

The last week has been exciting for a number of reasons, so there have not been too many posts...

Last Friday I went to The Gym to be weighed in and was told that I weight 169.6 pounds.  A body composition was done and supposedly I have more fat and less hydration and muscle than when I started the contest.

WHAT?  How is this even possible?  My pants no longer fit and the necklines on some of my tops are becoming a bit indecent!

For a good 15 minutes I was chewed out for eating protein bars from Wal-Mart instead of the 'approved' ones through The Gym by The Gym's company.  Yeah, whatever.  The amusing thing is that my bars have double the protein.  They also have fiber!  Unfortunately (according to owner of The Gym), they have 2 grams of sugar and he was sure that 4 grams of sugar a day is making me fat.  Also, I must be eating a lot of salt.

The truth of the matter:
-Light salt makes me retain water like there is no tomorrow.
-Unlike my other teammates, I am not dehydrating myself with diet soda or coffee.
-So unlike my teammates, I actually look much different!

As a kid, I never rebeled.  However, Saturday and Sunday I was a complete rebel when it came to food!  I ate potatoes, corn, peas, and a lot of peanut M&M's.  Now if I told this to the people at The Gym, they would probably go find some tree bark and make me eat that for a week.

I really thought I would be in hot water, but I was just so sick of eating lettuce, carrots, and protein all week to get my weight down.  This morning, I daintily stepped on that scale...

Weight Last Week:         164.4
Current Weight:              163.0
Week Difference:               1.4
Week Percent Loss:           0.80%

Total Weight Loss:            10.2
Total Percent Loss:            5.89%
Pounds to go:                   28.0
Progress to goal:             26.70% along to goal weight

Starting Weight:             173.2
Goal Weight:                  135.0
End Goal Percent Loss:    22.06%

After this, I scooted over to The Gym and they recorded 163.4.  This was a -6.2 pound difference.  The lady that weighed me (and that helped chew me out on Friday) got really snotty and said I must be doing something to trick them.  Oh yeah, I just live to trick you lady!  Sheesh!!

I cannot wait until my real, official reveal at the end of all of this!  This is so worth Reason #9.  *ghetto nod*

Now I am off to eat a bar that my cousin-in-law sent home last night.  Muhahahaha!

*random dance around room and bathroom...*

Holy cow!  While dancing past the bathroom mirror I saw...

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