Sep 09, 2005 15:35
Goddamn work! I'm sorry I am having a life and lots is happening - probably why I'm not having time to post! So, a quick run down -
MIKE - well and happy, wedding date for family now set, anniversary on Tuesday was lovely, had a nice meal to celebrate and I bought him a nintendo with zapper gun to replace his one which broke a couple of months ago!
WORK - Still loving it, although there's loads doing! Put in a new education space, cleared 2 skips of crap out, done loads of talks, got the events guide for the museum sorted, sorted the wall condition out, working on a major store move etc. etc. - really varied, lots of responsibility and I'm being trusted to get on with my own thing - just the way I like it as you all know!!
HOME - lots of fun things happening, house is nice and organised. My parents brought down things like the hoover and that about a month ago which was handy! Been going to lots of events - drum n bass nights, nice beer selling places, festivals, animal shows (I held the tiniest owl in the world - it was the cutest thing ever). We're plannig a holiday soon too to stop us going mad!
DISSERTATION - It's finished as far as I care - I can't be bothered with it anymore, it's roughly coherent and so that'll do. End word count somewhere in the 14000 region!!!
There is more and I will try and do lots of inane updates in the future!